Academic Clubs

Academic Team:
The Academic Team is an extracurricular club at PAMS that promotes, encourages, and facilitates strength through knowledge across ALL subjects and content areas. This club is for students who currently possess a lot of knowledge, have an enjoyment for learning all that they can, and want to put that knowledge to good use. All students on the Academic Team will participate in the Chester County Knowledge Bowl. Knowledge Bowl is a competition in which school teams are matched together to compete against each other to see who possesses the best general knowledge from all areas and has the most brain power!
Advisor: Mr. Lee

Ancient Greek Club:
This organization focuses on learning the Ancient Greek language and is open to anyone with a desire to learn to learn another language. We may occasionally host recreational activities, but, for the most part, the club is purely academic in nature and will primarily focus on the study of the Ancient Greek language.
Magister Castagna

Destinations with Directions:
Destinations with Directions is an academic club, at the Middle and High School, that helps the student identify interests in possible future post-secondary plans. This club is for 7th and 8th grade students, that meet twice a month with field trips to local colleges, facilities, etc. Discussions include, but are not limited to, thoughts on 2 year vs. 4 year colleges, financial aid, trade programs and schooling, etc. This is an invitation only club and you will receive an email if you are invited and is proudly funded by PCEF!
Advisor: Mrs. Son

French Club:
Everyone is welcome! You do not need to be taking French to be a part of this club. We will be learning about the French culture and will do related activities such as making crepes. French Club will be a lot of fun!
Advisor: Ms. Merchant

Latin Club:
This organization focuses on the ancient Latin language and Greco-Roman culture to anyone interested in the Classics. One doesn’t have to be a Latin student to join the group. The club holds many Roman-style activities, including the celebration of the winter holiday of Saturnalia, the screening of classically-inspired films, Certamen (Greco-Roman trivia competition)
Advisor: Magister Castagna

Math 24 Club:
Students from 6th, 7th, and 8th grade are invited to practice their problem-solving skills and fluency when it comes to finding a solution to the puzzle cards.
Advisor: Mrs. Gray

Math Counts Club:
Students from 6th, 7th, and 8th grade are invited to practice their reasoning skills and mathematical abilities. We solve puzzles independently and cooperatively and expand our knowledge of mathematics.
Advisor: Mrs. Gray

National Junior Honor Society:
The purpose of the National Junior Honor Society is to create enthusiasm for scholarship, stimulate a desire to render service, promote leadership, develop character, and encourage citizenship. The PAMS Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society promotes appropriate recognition for students who reflect outstanding accomplishments in these areas and determines service projects in which members regularly participate. These service projects are intended to make a positive difference in the lives of individuals, the school, and the community.
New Member Application Procedures
•Application for membership will begin in November
•When the application process begins, prospective applicants will only be able to get an application in person from Mr. Gubanich in room 204. The application is not available online.
•Announcements will be made as well about applications. Please make sure your child is listening to announcements or sees Mr. Gubanich for questions.
•Final decision on application status will come after the December holiday break
Advisor: Mr. Gubanich
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