January 13, 2025
- Today’s string lessons are:
Period 4- Group H
Period 5- Group E
Period 6- Group F
Period 7- Group G
- 6th Grade Orchestra will rehearse today during 8th Period.
- 7th and 8th grade chorus will have class today in room 113
- Beauty and the Beast practice is from 3-5pm for Beast, Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts, Lumiere, Babette, Madame, Belle and Chip
- If you have turned in your signed permission slip for Bigs & Littles Club, we will be meeting today during 8th period. Please go to Room 110 at the beginning of 8th period today- see you there!
- Math 24 Club will not meet on Monday, January 13th.
- There will be an organizational meeting for all 7th and 8th graders interested in playing baseball this spring at PAMS, on Wednesday, January 15th at 2:20 PM in room 315. We will be discussing the winter workout schedule and expectations for the spring season. Please bring a pencil or pen with you, and check in with your 8th period teacher to ask permission to attend the meeting. Please see Mr. Clarke in room 315 with any questions. Thank you.
- Digital Photography Club is for those signed up and interested in taking pictures during the wrestling match today. We will meet in Mr. Guidotti’s room at 3:00 and move to the gym by 3:15 today. Pickup is anytime between 4:30 and 5:30. Next Monday we will meet for our scheduled nature walk.
- Fly Eagles 🦅 Fly! This is a friendly reminder that there is no girls' basketball practice today. Home game tomorrow- white uniforms- see you soon!
- Interested in building leadership skills and fostering a community here at PAMS?
Consider joining Esports where you will be able to create teams and compete in online tournaments with your peers.
Grab a form outside of Room 104 to sign up! All forms need to be returned by January 24th!