How do I report my child’s absence?
For students in grades Kindergarten through 5th grade:
All absences should be reported on the day of the absence in Pick Up Patrol. If the absence is not already reported in Pick Up Patrol, households will receive an automated call informing them of the absence by 10 a.m. Absences reported in Pick up Patrol that are due to medical appointments will be excused upon receipt of the medical note, either via email to your student’s attendance office or handed in by the student or parent in person.
To report a middle school student absent:
Please email
[email protected] with a written excusal. If a note is not received prior to 9 a.m. an automated call will be made to the parent/guardian notifying them of the absence and requesting a note.
To report a high school student absent:
Please email
[email protected] with a written excusal. If a note is not received prior to 9 a.m. an automated call will be made to the parent/guardian notifying them of the absence and requesting a note.
Do I need to request a vacation absence in advance? How do I do this?
Absences that are due to a planned vacation, up to 5 school days, must be approved by the building principal in advance. Please submit the form at the bottom of this page to the main office of your child(ren)’s school(s).
How do I report an early dismissal?
For students in grades Kindergarten through 5th grade:
All early dismissals should be reported prior to 2 pm on the date of the absence in Pick Up Patrol.
To report an early dismissal at the middle school:
Please email
[email protected] with a dismissal time and reason. Written early dismissal notes may also be submitted to the main office(s).
To report an early dismissal at the high school:
Please email
[email protected] with a dismissal time and reason. Written early dismissal notes may also be submitted to the main office(s).
What is Pick Up Patrol?
Pick Up Patrol is a website the district uses to streamline absence and early dismissal excusal notes for students in grades K-5. Every parent of a student in grades Kindergarten through 5th grade should establish an account and save their log in information. If you do not have an account or are having trouble establishing an account, please contact the secretary in the main office of your child’s school building.
Who can I contact if my child is struggling with attendance?
If your child is struggling to get to school or refusing to attend, our social workers are available to help identify barriers and connect with resources. For students in grades Kindergarten through 6th grade, please contact
Alyson Riffey or 484-927-5117. For grades 7 through 12, please contact
Stacy Myers or 484-927-5027.
What happens if my child doesn’t come to school?
Pennsylvania school code requires all children ages 6-18 to be enrolled and attend school daily. Absences are excused per board policy (see question 1). Parents will receive a letter for the first, second and third unlawful absence alerting them that the days are designated as unlawful. After the third unlawful absence, attendance will be monitored and should additional absences occur, a Student Attendance Improvement Planning conference will be scheduled with the family (see questions 9). If the SAIP plan is not successful, a referral may be made to The Academy for community-based supports. If those efforts to improve attendance are not successful, a citation may be filed with the district magistrate for truancy. The District Magistrate may issue a fine per state law.