Arrival/Dismissal Procedures

Arrival Procedures

To help make arrival a success, it is important to follow drop off procedures.

•Enter the building using the Gymnasium Entrance.

Car Rider
• When dropping your child off, please cross over the bridge (Purple Pride Parkway) taking the right lane alongside of the high school towards the middle school (traffic should not use the center lane).
• Please use the circle loop around the flag pole and drop students off on the passenger side of the car.
• Students should walk in the building using the sidewalks.

Bus Riders
• Use the Gymnasium Entrance and Door 5 (across from the Tennis Courts) to enter the building.
• Doors to the middle school will open at 7:45 AM. As part of our security procedures, students are not permitted to use the main entrance for morning arrival. The main entrance is for staff and visitors only. Our supervision of the students begins at 7:45, so it is discouraged to drop off students before that time particularly when the weather is bad.

Dismissal Procedures

Parents needing to pick up students for early dismissals must use the main entrance. Please ring the bell on the wall and you will be buzzed into the office.

If you are picking your student up at dismissal, please use the same drop off pattern. Students are dismissed through all doors. We request that students be picked up on the sidewalk. Please remember this is a large campus and the high school has student drivers. Your patience and adherence to traffic patterns and speed limits are required to keep our students safe.

Drop Off/Pick Up Procedures

In an effort to increase student safety, we have changed the drop-off/pick-up areas that can be accessed for high school and middle school students.

Parents will no longer be able to pull into the parking lot at the intersection of City Line Avenue and Lincoln for AM drop-off or PM pick-up.

Please refer to the map below for traffic directions and drop-off areas.

We appreciate your cooperation as we implement this new plan.

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