Attendance and Student Absence

Phoenixville Area Middle School is in session from 8:05 A.M. to 2:53 P.M. Consistent and on time attendance is vital for success. Attendance is governed by applicable PASD School Board Policy and Pennsylvania State Law, and it is the responsibility of the parent to ensure compliance. Please see the procedure for student absence below.

Reporting Attendance

•Send an email to [email protected] to report a student absent, late or to request an early dismissal. Please include the reason for the absence, lateness or early dismissal in your email. This email will report your child’s absence to the school and will be their attendance note.

If you do not have access to email please call the attendance line at 484-927-5262 to report a student’s absence, lateness or early dismissal. We require a note or email to excuse the absence.

You will receive an automated call if we do not receive an email or phone call from you confirming your child's absence.
• The Pennsylvania Public School Code requires a written excuse note from a parent/guardian within three (3) days of the student’s return to school. Failure to return a note will cause the date(s) of absence to be designated as unlawful.

• A doctor’s note may be required in order to excuse absences for three (3) or more consecutive days. In cases where we have not been sent an email, a signed note must be received within three days of the absence or the absence is recorded as unlawful. Absence notes may be turned in to the late desk by 8:05 a.m. or to the main office at any time. An accumulation of three (3) unlawful absences will result in a referral to district court. Any student found truant will be dealt with through the discipline code and District Court.

Early Dismissal

• Student should bring their note requesting an early dismissal to the attendance desk before homeroom. They will be given a pass to be excused at the requested time.
• To ensure the safety of a student, no child can be released unless directly signed out by a parent/guardian in the main office.
 • In an emergency situation, alternative plans may only be approved by an administrator.


• Any student who is not seated in homeroom and/or arrives to PAMS after 8:05 a.m. is considered late to school.
• Only students who have a signed note of illness, religious obligation or a doctor’s appointment note will be considered excused.
• Students who are late due to traffic, missing the bus, alarm problems, late start, no note/reason or overslept are considered unexcused late.

1st thru 3rd offense – Warning
4th or more offense – Detention
Excessive lateness – Administrators Disposition ie. Restorative Practices


For further details on attendance policies, please see the student handbook or our frequently asked questions. Families can check their child's attendance records through skyward.

Non-school Sponsored & Family Travel Form

Absence due to family vacation: Please fill out the Non-school Sponsored Travel Form. This form must be submitted and approved at least 5 days prior to the absence. If you need a paper form or require the form in Spanish or Portuguese, please see the PDFs below. Paper forms should be emailed to [email protected]
If your child is struggling with attendance our social workers are available to help identify barriers and connect you with resources.

Kindergarten through 6th grade
Alyson Riffey or 484-927-5117

7th through 12th grade
Stacy Myers or 484-927-5027


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